This work was translated into French somewhat more than a u^tury^ after it
was originally composed, by Guiart des M'oulins, who informs us in-'l^^^iaoc
that he was bom in 125%gthat he began the translation in 129lS|he;year in
which he was made a~ canon $£• St. Peter’s at ; that he finiflhed^ijUHpk
in January, 1294; and that in 1297, perhaps partly as a reward for Jfrcrarv
labours; he was made dean of the same church. The popularity of .Guiart Ifes
Moulins’ work was very great: and manuscripts ‘ of i t are Tound'anfmost Kl-
lections. It was revived’in the fifteenth century by Jeanne Rely,4"B^ g wlpr-
of Charles VIII., and printed in folio about T496, at • Paris,’\by Alkofnae
Verard. * -
- The figures on the present page, representing a mirror- and w’^elqck^Ifre
taken from a MS.'of the Romance of Renaud of Montauban, painted in He
fifteenth century by John of-Bruges, and now preserved in L‘the "Library ^of Be
Arsenal at Paris (No. 244).