REAT numbers of 3llmmhated’ jrumist ri*ms ofiliirtfeiii*. and
tip modern dironic 1( i al
Kmaintingst which rA^a s ^ ^ in^imfi un
I and > M lead d^Mej^reat hewJ^BOB arid
the fo llow in ^ ^ { ^ ffi^ ^ !^6flfs,!(wl^^^^^^^f^plSim'L(j!lj^'lllnsn’ated
Kai;e^cn( r^lyr/^dren'in^Ema'li^ bliy^ ^ ^ ^fnMTiKulma^nP^ Rdri^lanO
*derv3\®*it?’-t l1(,re tMMMfek famous school of illuminators. The chief
gamstS'of Flanders, lygafteG, .mid Iral(JraBSp aji^ ^
limiltumininjr the rnamwripR'>o^vrhi«laKMtmMiR3Kw ^ pm m xm stfliaypj£
been preserved to enrich our modern libraries. The manuscripts themselves
are often translations of the Roiriarftli^wrinn^ J5u>B^ra|E^toni^jf'iH
late r date which are most distinguished by the richness of their embellishments,
tare 1 he maniwripN ()f>UJi^ ^ Ir< ?m l^ ^ ^ lim n iiw i^ ^ p ^8l^ ^ ( ,n i'ir^M o f
|annals^ <>ijjglir»i-=sart and Mbiistri 1< t f
The subject in tlut&aciompan^mg plate, ^ydrip' ( xhil
Humic h herahRvpt;i?ffe'timef^Jijouis Xld.^KValfeif* from ' p^j
IjKrjHtrclet • es^iited jn rhatfrnign$ and ifyp(IffinSreF ^Ro v jgiyE^Ii^^^raT«
? Pari« ’ This, as 'well a.s otlfr rVp^iet.nre..'.'
m fMmlJrr^in tho/platts ,to„ J.onn^s^tran-Jfffcion$ffl«a!iM^
manner in the - tight --under-dress i^M}™^l^ra(Wht(fd<’Hia>*lefljij^ f,M ^
writers to state;, as a peculiarity, 1 halt jfp'r&Jds”
went with thur legs and feet' nalo d. TOc^to“^repr<‘^it®%iai.^ipby
Merinon or bannetf'of France,fand anriouric iia^ t neMSli|Srtih’ ChaSw^V 1 , known
„to his, contemporaries by the appellation-* Ml^n%Ilr^a^.iTj<1
. heir the Duke of 'Touiaine, 'who j succeevted^hi rn a« (CSmidestiA-ILu^^ l^ in Ujng|
manuscript are plajjjifed at the head jOOfeKe .chapt«r feMom-treli t w lill Sn^ e r dH -•
this event (ch. 152 of the&W/OndUyolfjbf JohnX\eMah£roratiQ,itK)n) ^X-djarlesl
(Red in the H^tefiRelSt. "Paul at 'P<mj<^|Hw2^n«l Nov., 1422 j'iafr whicR
time his son was residing at a mall"’ (‘d^tferiaR^d'^^paU^^iel^d^Waip
A copy of the chronicle^ of-St. Denis, writtefmn the gSc^^M^EFlIraMistA T ,
and preserved in the British Museum us
•with a su|®t which is no, inappropriate companion ti^m^>lat(, ^rieffiwma^ATt
gi^^s Ln. a WdtTdfgbt It • the monks of St.
Denis bringing their relics ftoin tlmj^uw sou