[URIK'G the progress of the Tournament,
.flu (-1 v-‘MUT( >u i) <li n g the field were
encouraged’ the
fjpgBqharap^JnitlH ir midie?. They not un-
^ fe ^ ^M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^mneMag6'mr.edv.Ii:night
limdlo rduot, which' he was
Kj^ghTdl ^ f t F i ( i i -1 d. T®‘.a lady
I themniS^to llie^gctorlifitltho Tournament
k>( ,u li d s 0 . u f i ucTFr-uAmg,n pitsonting
astrofi the defies
SKi: Kmg HcTiu Traite des T oiiriioi< "> J 'n c especial
rd u tin g ||j| 1 his-jjwrtT'm ,Sli<\ < lid i the u juges-
(ii^w^^ n S ^ hnnSnA'. n iudj-feniL tin hinged .n rn- announced
it >f3jjfrhe|lGiiglit whpdhad' beerq‘^ S H
t( ffisjgnd. jmtendc d h) th^mralds «fridd
f e m to the
x lady
waaKSftfcd by two damsels of her
dwraffilipico, ahdVdfb|hamed' the prizel
< ,'1 fc||pored. Vi ctoEi|
in HBraffiiament -tfas iWueht into]
lnsM^TO^nc^?lrsn~e ^mqVefed^i t and
$ ||j|^ e d # s j ’to Ihim, andjj^^,'received I
^ M B p iii’slv and ^kis^ed the Aivf I
|9ffinm!£|s h eA ^o damsels likewise, if
it were his pleasure” (e£ sernblablerrient I
'hsj'dev-r damoisf-lles .?e dest^mfplai^ir)^ I
T M f e , king of arms, heralds,, and
;^mrpstd,vants_ cried modd in,.thM |all
th f tf |l^ a # g ^ '« H K ;Mav had 'been
'Splged'' and delivered. After this,
Wppi'i.i'ght led the Ladv VdVtbc dance*
as hirs partner; and®fe judges, knights
^K.ono'ur, kinglpfilarpis, and^ f f i|m »i
vafitsl conducteddnlStw:o damsels a^®]