IU-Kengi'avi^rfib taken, from a miniature
f e n vellum, preserved in a collection of
^illuminated manuscripts^,and 'now in
[ttK'e * |&ssésiionv óf | | | r / Yannan. It
represents thefe ei^ a ti^ing of i the host
Ifat, theJmdmch^ï^^Em^^^i^
'"-sacrifice oMhe mass, and the subject
gBa-l happily; treated. , in df t d one I
Hp^h* most ^interesting; pictures of the
m in d that „ ve have,ua|b y it^ y j^ th
I, regard' both to the; subject and IMtheJ
Kixecutim^^rhcre cani^g|i|tl& doubt
Ip^its being of Flemish
fifteenth century, and it most
missal h r sCTvice.boc^:. --' 1
The'choir, raised upon a crypt, is approached^by a .double flight I
" o'f sthps. The priest s t r i n g at’-the .altar is in 'tjfe^act of^el|’vftmg^|
thé’ host (AosIm),7 the consecrated bread Phle^ ^ ^ g o^ ^ ie Eucha^st,
.wKile the ,h^cofiiand subdeacon, /oh their knees, | ^ o r t the chasuble £f the
celebrant. fïié deacon wears thé dalmatic, An
jabolyth, in' In a white smpliceTkneels a t'^M ^ c ^ n e r altar,
bearing a torch. Further down the choir stand two ^ assistan ts' .;canfofs,
with their choral books in their.hands,^apd habited in cape^rèd^and gold,.!
Which is the colour of the suit of vestmènts. On each: side Ofjthe. ehoir are
’the canons in their stalls, upon their knees, all in surplices, -an|, like J g clergy
at the altar, tonsured. e
The antipendium or frontal of the altar, is réd and gold, and blue curtains
hang at the side’s; over the altar is a tablet, in the c e n tre ^ which is.represented
thé Virgin and Child.,' The priests’ stalls and^Mv/qf^he.canons are
Ifjchly carved. ^
In the nave of the .church is a group of laity in the-act of adoration, making'
a good foreground to' the picture, which receives its fight from the windows in
Ethe choir, and through the arch gf the qrypt, in whlcÉlt s e , ^ ^ ^ M altar.