socks, and shoes. !Oiie ,6f the most remarkable articles of dress of. a p lia n t of
this period, was the large plumed hat, which$ as here, representedj^wa^g^ae-
rally - s l o u c h e d ^ s i d e , so‘ as |o | expose to view.. part of an under <capJ~ of
Omrapoidere'd velvet or golddnet^wdrE j The second-figure on our' plate aeries
his plumed hat in his hand, behind him,' while he has a small cap epjtnhther
description perched on the.-top,of his head. In some illuminations, thefgallant,
w |I having, .this little cap on his head," carries the-plumed hat slung over pis
shoulders by ihe&fa&//of a cord$/>piist,’ih;-the same* manner as tbe-boys at Re
present day, in many charity schools, are made to hangPBfeir hats.r^^'ptheir
necks with a string. - This was ^done- probably, more for < conveniene.4i than
ornament. The hair at this period was worn very long j mid it was the
fashion to wear shoes which were very broad in front.
; The wqod^cut^at the foot of this page is a very fine representation., of/an
organ, taken from a painting of St. Cecilia, by Lucas Yan Ley den,