^anions, rushed into the, kitchen, and threw hmiseK .into' a large tub ftdP-of
water, and thus saved himself. /The ether 'knights half an
hour : them;diod'orutKc. spot^ tW dicd on the -second day] <md?HiRi
d^Quigay,* the çbhtriver of this unfortunates m|teqffe,> outlived itithree i&rs in
extreme torments. The king, though he escaped-the -fete of hjs fèjló^masquers,
was thrown- by thej-ftightMto ajppg fit of madness, -*7;
Hugh, ;dè -, Guisay was a proud, overbearing man, "cruel and- tyrannical in pie
extreme,. and on “that account „an çbjfeçti of general detestation : „he yasÿn tbe
habit /dSE; .treating'the; poor commoners, and bi^'own,-servants,'lp the’ntdstl s u tal
manner,' beating them like' dogs, throwing them down and poking, them with
his » spurs, and forcing -them, to bark. ' His „ death; jereade^^general-feelinoetf
Jc^, iand, as his~funeral profession-passed the -street, the populace .sajdted R e
body-with the words he had so often used to others, .debark, dogSHH
- Our-plate is taken from a finely Shrminated MS.-of Froissart,^e|frved in
thé',British Museum, /MS. Reg.r18 E, II., of the latter^ half -|)|^the^ffîjeenth
êentury. Itfds a good specimen of the historicaljo^i^^tions of tfymfflramd,
and at the same time a very interesting, illustration/of }costum(‘.^ l l n l ^ § ics
wear th e .“ chimneys” ,,on their heads which espied sq muchjfhe^^^n<pbn
of the puritanical preachers of that age, who complained that
and more beautiful the ladies were;' the higher w ereJgle chimneys ~9^fc.Çthev
carried,”—-et encore grant abus est, que tantLôue plus belles^ e ^ e iimos^fllc -s
sôllt, pltis ha.nltes cheminées elles ont (Pierre ^ ^ G r r ^ le J ardfti .-dc^ ^ blp- ).
The fire-placè, with the tutelary saint and the. candle hefore^hi^^^^ell .is
the chandelier and-other articles of furniture which ador ngahewa pjiBtfftcht, Bre
deserving of notice. The designer has .brought the tuMof-. waterk i l ',5f B é
kitchen into the room where t% masquers were divertiugÿïi^msîÿ^s,- inTordor
to t^ r ^ e n t this part of . the story, a kind ofi^c^e^-wMchiliyas ';&équemly
fetkén by the painters who executed the idumihations iof Ttnese .md®fianuscripts.
It will also b.e observed that he has introduced only four katiris^lîésïdesKiL
king, instead of five.
Our initial letter is- taken from a printed book JpfJ the la tté r^ü d . of p e
fifteenth century preserved in the library of the British Museum. • -