of the Merchants Adventurers-jnr; Hambrough merchant^ incorporatèd 12F6,
a hearing of very common occurrence on tombs of merchants in thé eastern
counties. In the centre, in default * of_ any personal ' bearing,' is "found the
merchant’s mark ; above ’ithe English rose is twice introduced.* The pfiçs^ant
wears a loose "and wide-sleeved gown, very-similar to :pm£i%orn „by Henry
YIIL, as represented on his return from,„the tournament of 1512, in |he*
Very curious roll in I the College of Arms. The dofee fitting, but full'slCevèd
garment, with puckered bases, worn by the merchants younger son, npcurs
.frequentlytin the same roll. The head-dresses- of* the daughterstifpjierve
notice ; they appear to . be a combination of the pendant lappets yith $he
' In the designbftibis tasteful, plate it is remarkable that nothing, is found|
partaking of the style termed Gothic, with the exception of the 'quatreföils at
the corners, containing .the emblems of the-four evangelists. Its character is
almost wholly that of the revival of the classical style, asintroduced from Italy
early in the sixteenth centuryr ;
The inscription runs thus:— betfeti OE&omâg ÿofonüer Jltarcfiauns
anb gome ttme balte of gjpsfotcbe tolifcije öeparttö to tfie gere m’.v °.xx v gertg ant btj itiftg
of iâouëïur gfntr ®mme ÿofonüer Jfg bhffe fobtcbe öeparteït to the gere.Miv0.,
' blank is left at the end for the date of'the lady’s death.).
impaled line of the last. There is here only-one demihnlle, and the coat is reversed, perhaps in order
to turn the lion towards the"centre o f the subject, a licence not unusually adopted in-German and other
continental heraldry.
in 1645,.
â i