IJ$y|jL#AJf traditions and the legendary
I ballade .pwlorancr days have1 contributed
|i. -.t oiva-rdsM|^ ^ p up an interest
.»hi (■iV-n.f '■■j-prn ntie'e, ififthe bow.
- If is .tlft ".-St i me ^ ^m P?..Ed\vkrds, 'and Imffi
Wyak^lo t of the %e^lnae ’ of
B ^ g ^ b f p ) . i i tb -> .on^ ^ m '^l'nd Agin-
1.n . g l i Manyylaws
& on *1 h i » r i ow. atLXiousi-the
p. ere fo make their
BHc!SjMt^b?llh1--hi mHf nfieitiV this w'eapon;
'•• axidJa§?niati^m(‘ide'at'> mVT^ipi:iri^l''|bytold
s h b - # ' 4 ) w a s in -ttajRi^^^@®K^^^^M(>u^of .‘the
hrughts w^'dwlf^caf(-(']y^proof:'agaLrist’-«the fdrt^ifertfiftffgSBSgH^E* arrows. SIS
w a s.'^m w ^ p ^ ^ a butti should beisfem^^«BSto g e ^ i t-fn\m>tuwa^ and--'the
inhabitants- wer@?obliged -to 'practise ||l|them 'On hS-q-ndiiys and hV>l.\;a^’s,.and
v < re liable | | | fines lor omlttilfgbio the^b^ra^^msi
generally to have been equal to t.b
«generally <^a,‘clothrydrd.^j4\.
The use <Jf^the-Tong-bow was-coi m n ni.rjT# h \n 1 v \ i ,ih jb-sji it
mdp.a#iof.M^pear to have* K%»'‘ of general-and4e^i(®s®fi in va%t*bewe^^
twelfth oS^even the thirteenth cc m ury.,. fyAffpoad;'-'
was more in fashion, particularly, afednfe-Sp#IfMians.r: The hhag-bowf was, however,
found to* be the more formidable o!fS^® twoJ'buT-tif rdquiredyti'ore skill,
and we- find,;that at least in the fifteenth century ros-vbow began to5supbr-
sede/it itiYErigland. Ordinances were made.'','t(Mfe^^^^^M i^ I la ^ ^ ^ ^M lli^;
pllye' cross-bow was sometimes forbidd en;-£xcc’pt'uYidSfpertain restrictions.
manuscript from whifh the acr omparjylng pla^y^? tiken* (Mtjftitggg 19
VII1.)|? containing a moral-work entitled-th^ilnuxginac’um>ld em m y ^ ^ ^ ^£ ^ .
was written at the manor last day‘of Jtine, 1496,!
.as we learn from a note.b} ,thp scribelafffelic .< nd-gifywcmTO’lunie :* ajfdlit^may
ll^ffisfore be, considered as exhibiting JpbnS^umd' and^sniahner^ of-Jtiie English
* The note gives also the name of the ' scribe—“ Explicit LilmàgihàcLol^ de vraye Noblesse, parachevé
I | dernier jour de Juyn au Manoir de Shene l’an mil CCCC. iiij". et Mppaj* Poulet.”