Have made thee fear’d, and honoured, of the people:—.
Join we together, for the public good ;
In what we can to'bridle afid suppress
The pride of Suffolk, and the cardinal.
With Somerset’s and Buckingham’s ambition;
Afid, as we may, cherish duke Humphrey’s deeds, '
While they do-iiend the profit of the land.”
In tiie picture, the face of the cardinal is sufficiently characteristic offthe
ambitions and cunning prelate, pourtrayed by the pen of, the poet.
The cut on the preceding page, representing a herald bearing a, banner, is
taken from the Shrewsbury book.* The .reading desk below was. furnilhed
by a MS. in the Royal Library at Paris.
* The proper blazon of the banner would he, if seen on the dexter side,—Quarterly: 1st and 4th,’t£zure,
three fle u rt dé Ha, Or, France; 2nd and 3rd, Gules, three lions passant guardant, in pale, o r ,’England;
being the arms of Emg Heniy YI.:.impaling those of his queen, llargaret of AnjoV; namely, Quarterly:
1st, Barry of six, argent and gules, for Hungary; 2nd, Azure,-semée de lis orpa labelTbf three points gules,
Naples; 3rd, Argent, a cross crosslet, between four plain crosses coupéë, or,'Jerusalem; 4th, Azure, sëmée
de lis or, a bbrdure gules, Anjou; 5th, Azure, semle-of orosrwosslets, fitchée, two; barbels hamiciifcand
addorsed, or, Barr; 6th;Or, on a bend gules, three alerions argent,.Lorraine. The- banner is fringedjfeth
the colours of Queen Margaret, white, green, and red.
The figure which grasps the staff o flh e banner bears on h'is snrcoat the .arms of vJohu.Talbot, the firsfearl
of Shrewsbury, and of his'alliances, marshalled in a very unusual manner: being his-Wn, impaling those ot1
the mother of his first wife ; both being surmounted by an escutcheon, containing the aim fit the^gr^rnd
mother of his second w ifeQ u a rte rly , 1st and 4th, Gules" a lion'rampant, withiri“ara J o ^ ^ i engrailed, or,
Talbot; 2nd and 3rd, Argent, two Hons passant gules, Strange. These imp&leanottjeripo.atQuarterly:
1st and 4th, Argent, a bend between six martlets gules, Fumiyal; 2nd..and 3rd,((or, a fret^ps',Werdon.r/® t h e
centre, over these impaled arms,an escutcheon:—Quarterly: 1st and‘ 4tVgules, U lion's tat ant guardant
argent; crowned or, Lisle; 2nd and tlrd, Argent, a oheyrort jpiles, Tyes;