RSRj^K'y the fifteenth cen-
turyj Tew- igifMgle!';mére
pucceprkl de oJWfbore fre-1
qfré n't ly|'p tf Jafed; ’»among I
I prim t Alp^frobles (fp^theys
Jr onVwj-rc,! apable of aniuga
IpojaAexpensive' article«),''.than a^riohlv-f ilhxnüj-J
pared hook. S^^Sïôyal MS 15 E. \ I i—a noble]
volume, made byijhe order of' John Talbot, Earl
BiiPhrewsbuiy,- tb.e?‘.*vrarlike and martial-
fôi'Spfespeare ; and wa«v drfcS;Titcfd'Jjby^Ki ni .•:toi
tbej,. c^Jffiated} Margaret after her
pi’arriage^ra-Kihg Henry Wb^of England; * At
Ptifeh'pgi-nn i n g*(^ t h ph.yolml 1 e 1« i «up« rb mini t-1
“"tnép, i^rbduced^in -,me| adjoining'* pinte. - which
^Krbsents T&lbô^,‘dressed m tile rolus of the
PPpvr-, of the Garter,-Ipresentiiit|| the book^ioj
Slüeen Margaret. \tjjo i», fiLattd.'b^^^M^ting
'her|hti|band. , Il iS ^ o ^ 'â n ie d by-^ dedication I
"in fpreneh versq," àn v which Talbot, among other
-things,'says that th^'v office v as ïma de1 forjhqrl
||||truction and • ehtertainnieht, an^.\^^^it) was
Mçàtten in,-French,- that “after^b^Md learnt Em
,;glish, fehe. mightpfcîtîorgct,'hw^m;é'tongue."
The contentsiofithis voluinejconsi&t *cl®fly^^
the Rom à.n oê0mm “ Chi valrie” which
so/generally popular." The ■- fir'-t, -in '^pro'-e, .■
-recounts the cohquest&pf Alexander,.-and' his
f .wonderful adventures.. This is|fpllp wed,by;I
|th e Metrical Romances
Ogier of Denmark, of King Pontüs,
1 of Warwick, of the Knight, of ,the -Swan, § f |; after which_we have some
Kppks in prose of aJ spmewhàt^Sdiffierent kind, büÿs'which were quite
KOonsonant with -the charactMcpÿie^erson who gave the^volume1-^
U ; “ thtrlcrror of'ib.Q.J?rench,,
, The’-scaie. ürôw thjit affrights ohr children
IfThese books are the Tree of Battlês’j by Honoré Bonnet ; the Book of
Pfolitie, written by-;*.* frèfp Gillet'de Romme an -iîrêdited Chronicle of