second wife 'of -J6hn Io:f Gaunt, Duke ofv Lancaster.. « *fhe hornedV’kea'd‘jdre_ss,
and other parts of her costume,'are hardly^ that ol^tjye "period’'w^jiich'irKivv'as
pain.ted„'hut were»-perhaps- copied from amplclef picture! -Osret^‘§ip Iady’&’nsad,
in tbe-originab, is alferoll, In aring'.t.hf • inscri^&h-^-.
fflttgutsta JBona CTmtgtEnca tot 3ngvKtt»&,
: The first wife of .John of Gaunt was, as is well known, Blanche Plantagenet,
the grp&t. heiress pfi-thd duchyfSf Lancaster,« which herinherited^^.fpUghv her,
•After her- death,, he ■ espousedf|Gonstancia, elder“ daughter: and yp-lieireys -of
Peter, king of1- Castile,-in. whose ’right he, assumed the title of King -oftCaatile
-and iLeon,‘ and was>summoned to parliament byvth'a^title. ' In ypap'*reign of
Richard Iff-he cehm.ved.-the idea of possessing himself b\ forod of _b&£di"tan r
kingdom, and invaded Spain with a fipe aipnyi&jAt Tl.qmpbstella,1 he was met;
by • Jefeayjkihg of Portugal, and. merged bis daughter Philiprajp» (Iff hLvfn>t
wife) to that monarch.. From QomposteUa'be-jnarcheiL^mio Castile; »but^he
soon laid aside bis projects of conquesl, and In mm Imli 1 -it i i |
with, the prince who occupied the thtpnh;;h^®hfied. By
^L an c aste r abandoned- all bis claim-to iln mi li~ nm n iri <' n i- u l j
of a large sum of moneys and the further “condition .that Huiry, prinpc'M^^^
-Asturias, should marry his only daughter by his wilt (’onWanc ladv|
Catherine. • Thus two of the daughters of John of CauTftH)^ani(^ ^ ;n y >. ^ i('l
a few years afterwards his soil llenry of Bolingbroke amjndl’d* tlj?
England as Henry W*< After thesdeath efiConstanda, 1 he duke of Lancaster
made another and lowlier marriage, his third wife beTn^pajy
ford, widow of Sir Otho de Swynford, and daughter of 'Si
Green, king at arms.
The cut on the preceding page, representing a,, house of the fifteenth century,
is taken, from one of the paintings in the Train& des. Peril ^
which has furnished two plates to the present work. The banners and blazons
of the chief lords of the tournament are displayed ;Ut the' wjp^^jS'^ofjkhVitS
‘ Cttr..initial letter js taken, from an illuminated missal, in t^ a ^ w^wl^MWy
F. A. Beck, Esq. -