G O ^S ÿ ,p èM Dt ‘C ||^ ! O F LANCASTER, WIRE -OF — HI GAUNT, I
^M)N.G, the mo«t be^^iful specimens of illuminated naanu-
scripts preserved in thé B^ïsb. Muéé$fijf'is'-tli& one from
wliich the,,]^pfenj platelMf taken, and -v^ich->is considered
ragg®^reiimijcthâjt^^^Sicavps’iha^tbeen separately mounted
[Va>ria #m ^ ^ ^ \- ith g la is^ t^SW them from- fSe| P m:mon
exposed. It was pur-
L'.éhasedSrecentlÿÿdî^Mr. NM' tOT1 SoStt. ■'one rof‘4bfe attachés
Jlffo -the embassy ^^^^^^^Sv&ÿRought it there. It is
richly illuminated e,eneaJogw^cTa^frinhjf^ t h e ' regal' hô:usO-‘--x>t Portugal, and
executed about Emperor Maximilian, tfor
|a,\member$f' the rbyÀ famil;a|ell that G^rory,, who, there is reason.for believing;
^va^the Infante Femândo, born in 1B 0%'^whqlâied^itfpl534. It is certainly
f: of ■Flemish artists.
?l';,The ’ figure- given on our' plate is intended l^^pre^enfe Constanciâ, the|