[VERY thing cMEe||e^with. the history of this
amiable prince, .'whose virtues and accomplishments
raised p ie , expectations of his contem-
.poraries, and whose untimely fate covered the
Ksllrolftikingdom with meilrning, inugt be infcer-
Kfesting tA’the reader. y|Ie was horn in 1486,
’ and at the'agfe of fifteen (ha,. 15Q1) he was married
to the celebrated Catherine of Aragon, she
being. „then eighteen years of age. /The mid
I writers speak in warm terms of the magnificent
■pageants and theJ great public rei oicings^hi.« lj^ ^B ^ 't%i. attended on this
Invent, and tnty describe Jyith enthusiasm “ the riche arras, the .costly tapestry,
thei-fyne clothesubotle of golde and silver, the curiou-s vcl\ettc . the beautiful
Patens, and | h | , pleasaunte sylkes which |a||fL‘hange in every strete,\v as Well as
^H pw y n e that ranne continually out ^'fi the-'COndpytes,” ‘and ^the goodly
[ballades, the swete armony, the musicall instrumentes, which sounded with
|reavenly_ noyes'von every syde.” From Loudon tl||j&youthful S&ple Were
Erried -to the noble- castle of Ludlow, the .residen&gjf'pf'^he prince; and there
he "died-in the month of April, the year following, les&dng the inheritance of
the English crown, as well as his unfortunate wife, to hi$. younger brother,
Hterwards King Henry VIII. On his (Mthivthe body of g ^ c e Arthur was
Parried in procession from Ludlow*to; Wotefester, and was there interred in the
Cathedral church* The magnificent monument erected there tojdns memory
4® ’ still 'preserved.
•,, The picture o.f Prince Arthur, given in the accompanying plate, is taken
from the beautiful painted glass in the window of the fine old church o£ Great
Malvern, in Worcestershire. The window^» when perfect, represented King
Henry VII. and his queen, with Prince Arthur, ,mj& Reginald Bray, John
Savage, and Thomas Lovel, and at the^bottom ’ there was an inscription in the
.following words:—
(©rate pro fiono statu nobtlissimi et mellenttesimi teste ^Icnrici Septimiet ffiltja=
betfie regine at Domini Srtturi prtecipte fiiii torunUem, net non prrtiUctteaime
tonsottte sue, et Suotum trium militum.
The window was made, there can be no doubt, immediately after Prince
Arthur’s marriage, and therefore when he was in his sixteenth year. It is