force.' are ad-
■ <j||p by|p(|gJubinal, in his splendid
V*|lj“ *>’”l nl 1 ip' ini-, I ir 1» liiam_r
fr0m which .the ac-
cgmpjmkig plifcvis taken. w as .made in
a t
stn^jr'C]f consists of three
^ ^ a rtuW f^ fb ill tak-cri-at r o ^ the -then
«■ Thp
first compartment represents the city of
1 Trjojan,'. -Vihe jradpbnd ^^^sonts', a battle",*/, in
d Panthf'ilcaj are^ ^ ^ ^ l l in’M
plate, we see Pyrrhus^B
iEneas, Polydamas,
rih t^ iird .^ \^ '^m omns
pi^ftMilw? I imder^-nffadl^y
B^fei^vranies'pMgjftod in
ftog^monTiiving the honour of'Knight1io.od, *w-it.li
H e jMijiddlt^^ges.' .Ajax’-tind \ouncnmoTL ate^.f-sft}®4 atffi®*^c remon^ ^«he*
foriher i^ f e eKling-the beltfof^h© young- fixing"l|i^phr
®i&i§iQ6t."'^Knderneath are the following lines:—
f* Loco patris, PitTU»- statuitwr;
Polidamas per himqMv^SfpmjCI
Philimines ,C
Diomedes i-jc mortc. caxfiit.-^',’1'
Ttjis possible, that the ornamental wbrk in this*ljin®fe^^wbwy "something of
i^t^de,tailfto^ihfe\ imagination §|®®6 original artist y&xjjjjmi comparison with
other"monuments efethh'time is^ sufficient fomom.mu^>-usVthatlthe V o'tuine and
armour^may be^Masldered as •verv'fai^sp'ec.iinens of what w’asv^yyrh'-’b ^ ^ ^ ^
reigns'an^\pripccSv dnr^g.the .fiMftfthVientjiry. -
'The histq^}-pf thi‘s tappstnv is rc irUirkdblfe. ^ Pb f^^aid /tof hayeffloelongcd
0:rlQp?to^the''famous Bac ard, and l cm ainc/d jjnEfflrfr*Wl< in which he^was bom
(an edifl®'seated on hjCl -iiininit ™i|tdii41l^ ,iin lib ■■niin.iinl'htln -banks of the'
r i v a l s ere), until f the, beginning irai thVJp]^iMr contuty. "When tbejsSastde
was ravaged byi th^TdeiS'dcrat' i^i the great^yp^nitionffiFj^tanehtT-v<'wa.s overlooked,
and .»escaped, eQ|u ruction Iwjya *in<‘. r e t I n 1807/it washtliscxi;