T h a S ljh ^ h a s t mad^me'by mj ds&Ml^jtf'ileath! * "
can repeat this curse again,
Evenjin/sff short a apace, my woman’s hearts . -
; ' .Grossly greW'C^ptjve'^h'KiSjBdiiey words, ' ■
i. -I^1tW'ET31j ! ! S ^ JPjn1fi own soul’s curse ; ,
Wh I c h e r si u cC' h ath held minis eyes from re s t; f
t /-f For never Je t one hour in 'iuV l^ f^ -j
^ r\p Lid'J'.Piijdy .the golden dew of sleep, T
’ Ilut with.dii^imoroiis dreams was stillawak’d.
Besides he' hates me f o r a y father Warwick *;
And will, no doubts shortly bedrid o f me.” - *■
Shakespeare, King Richard I II. Act iv. Sct*'l.
The figure pf. the duke of .Warwick is important, as^fiiri^h3^g,’>^t®^pse
given on the--preceding; plate, a ’V a lu a ^ |k a h i^ e ^ tf i| armour ?o f '^ tB |a o d .
It was particularly ^distinguished, by thlanorm the^4lpj§^-piece&,‘ whi.r^^geri*
sometimes fantastic in shape, and very ^ elabprately orharrifepffS-.. ^ Tbe^ljK l,,
dress of the ladies, such as that borne^in our picture &^%he Lady 'itnne, Ifcis
peculiar to the short reignxof Richard III. The hair was;, confined, in ajffp
‘pr caul of gold net or embroidered stuffs,. projectihg’^i>^o]$t^]iyrffoin' Hui
back pf i the- head to a considerable distance, and Covered ’by a-kerchief
texture, stiffened out in the form of a pair of butterfly’s wings.
The animal at the feet of one of the ladies appears to lie ^griffon,
of the family of Despencer. With the other, two-figures ■we,,iha||| again Ifee
bear, the badge of Warwick. This latter badge is''safd\o have bern,aifif^ultoi 1
to tire name of the real fduhder of this house, B^^tede^MntotrJc^^f ■.tin-
casfle of Worcesterin the time of William the Conqueror.
- engraving on the preceding page Tepreseh^^^^ .r if tS g « I ^ ^ ^Bfe.
teentiCfentury, preserved in the Louvre,’at Paris'.
and the part of the blade immediately adjpining«|to ft Is enfichedfwith giltf
ornaments. .Chi: the blade ^ ’.inscribed 'gmcefljjmfch
musical: notes fpr- chanting. Tie words of‘ tifjfr-gracV._-(whi ch'Var cicjfcw-'''Phid
simple) are-—
- “ Quae sumpturi [sumus J benedicat-trinus et unus.”'
The whole length, including blade and handle, is eleven inches.