HENRY I. M i jK I ^ p f e f lN .
, •manuscripts (Julius, E, IV.), a
[ ;'brieftjji^t^tsifrhroBjcl'e pi'-®’- kings j^England, which
' has been attributed Lidgate, and which was
9-ei1, VT., i® illustrated
and ,b|l£j dj'dwfngs^ pf'.the mo-
cominorhbx^tfe's.^/TwQ of these
I* fio'urcV.f arep^liu i ^ ^ ^ l ^ a^ojupanymg'?plate, which
wfnMtoSbSilu^lSSffllmj^pt. Heni*y /jail Eirist and
I King John"? • ■ 'iEiiur ® n is rather
|^)na|kaq|e,: partu uLirly tlic‘> h, he. has
ch' to: I18176
been?.very popular,' Jay the n um e ro u s ^ ^ s ’ which are Mind'in manuscripts^
of^^fiftecnth century. ?'It ^asCprinS^by -Thomas f e | | ^ e’ H t|pappendix
M f f lM B S of Robert- of .Clotic cVefd^!A;^ ^ rfot.,^ ^ w p fiom the de&crip-
tionsFofi^he reigns £ofnhe|two king-, wdmse(-fi^ f^ h ^ e licre|gi^W wi|L(eonvey
Itofthergeneral reader an idea oKityistjle and character, y.uf King Henry, the
writer ttpfeus,—
“ He raag.fe.jtetute,* ydtjpgode rede,(. >'
That thevis thrugh hangynge schuld be dedei
That money makers achul'ddg^pnfcsight.”
Yhe characteristics of John’s reign were.the interdict and'tho civil ^ar:-^>.
g®Ih Jonis time, asTpndirst'otui,.
Was interdited alle;Engelond., ^
He was faUe -wroth and gryme,
For prestis wuld not ^jhig(j.^)ifor Ijim.
In his time was a greto dnfjjife,-
pens an halfe-peny lofe was wiirthe. ,t;
Thanne he made a
And swere in angre veramfint .
That he wuld make such a sauwte.
(To' fede all Englond with a spawde.
A monte anon-;therof hircjej'V’
And for Englond was sore afef de ; 1
A poysone than he ordenyd anone,
So was he poysoned, and;Msd‘ryght sone.”
The elegant reading desk ,at ’the end of f e ;pfesent article, was, about .the
year 1750, dragged an t§ $ the deep part oYdfre lake at Newstead, and is
jnow preserved in the tepllegiate church at Southwell in Nottinghamshire,