^"011 iffiMan (1 ^expression Vas the
Gpis^i|^^^^'^]5iibtiy-; at' the first
The I ■ change
w h i c h : a n d which, .wa3
- ShhlCe^odre’th'ad its
Rji^^ ^ ^ m S a t ! iti<?SjfnT^suid \Vyat':_L; Amid
i^7 * s^ p J )TripoSfciPiduring
t hp^-Ej^Brlu- wc: are - sij,rsij
hpM'si % ar' fhn^nwra<tv?:and dtcauni^ffli^l .pro*
E^nfi^i^^^fefit'T'i inth icr®:
pi'iTlte. Earl *of. s h<the first, of
poets,' a&li&, £with||l|r Thoma'^ jJVyat-)^ one ..ol 'jujr fir^r* trot
^orjwffm^ i.g have-1,ht^M iorn -sofmCaft^r the a y T n $njk
tv?nn^jwWiliCtinP^Mmself ~b\ inxJaJcnts^^^^^^rai^liifii'nr;, 'hc*)t^'Jiler^r\
tund n^itary‘; vTaiit' .he* wa^f, pirond'
[frequV^^^^Tig^in’f^flipgrat'o. il^roT *l(> ^la(\ '
j^w.ited a knight ,of the Garter, j;we find hn||| imprisoned iu a
fquajTgL withw g entlexHfen named John a Lti^h Jif-wa? lmtJii^ lgo^tht Lr-hion
ffdr"’the youi^mobles and gentry to despise th< r (a1th\^r^j^^^Wa-of^^^on ;
fcnVV'we find, bothf Suft'ey and %e'.yonhgKr W\ at ^oplcd/hd or< tin* < » ( W
fifiSt(very ||p n rafter Surrey had-Reaped f r o j t p l ^
iabout< the "trccts of the dt} at night in a “‘/Lrrd an^^^eei^\'^<nndr,^tind
Ibfoke the citizens’ w in ^M ^ th stones thrown,from a how*" He r .w again ■obm-
Ritte'd1 to prison, -yvhere he indulged hi^-spleen against
writing a" satire, onMhe vices which he at Leaffc ‘^tnhjftes,v% them, and he'
rather'ridiculously pr'etends that pOmoke ll®n winders'in 'order,, to warn
them Qfi their sins :-^r
“ In secret silence;of-Jflié'.night
This made mepiyith a reckless breast, f
To wake'thy’sluggards with my-boW %'
A figure of the Lord’s’; b em |® |||
Whose scourge, for sin the^iffite^^^iow.
That as the .fearful thunder’s blhp1^
By sudden flame kt hand yrekhow j 1
Of pebble stohes thbvsótfh&lèss tap,'
/The dreadful plague might make thee see '
' p f God’s wrath that does thee enwrap.” 1.