« C _ _ _ = - ^ U = - - - - - ' ' — - - - - - - - — = 5*
€rfïe Unterabtljeilung.
$ammmufcl)eln mit gleicMeittgen £)l)t*em
Familia Prima.
Pedines aequaliter auriti feu auriculis aequalibus.
Tab. 60. Fig. 585*
E x Mttfeo noftro.
SDtc ötóffelïc 2lrt t>ec to m * ober $ il9rimémujc&eln.
Peften maximus. Oréa maxima Linnaei, tefta inaeqüivalvi, profunde Pul-
cata et peftinata, aequaliter aurita, radiis 12 feu 14 rotundatis etfulcis
longitudinalïter ftriatis.
Angl. Scallop. Gall. Pelerine commune.
R o n d e l e t , de Teftaceis L ib .i. Cap. 14. pag. 15-.
Mufeum Calceolarianum pag. 35. Peften auritus quod binis utplurimum au-
riculis haec concha fit ornata.
L ister Hiftor. Conchyl. tab. 163. fig. 1. Peften magnus albidus, ex utraque
parte aequaliter auritus, circiter duódecim ftriis et multis minutisque
incifuris exafperatis donatus. Anglic.
it. tab. 167. fig. 4. Peften omnium longe maximus minus cavus., ofio
vel decern ad fummum ftriis donatus , item huic canaliculi profimdi: a
Virgin. Indiae Occidental. 3 n btr neueftcn Sluégahe bes ïijhrifcbén SBJet»
feê roirb im Sinbange auS einen alten SRauufcript beS£ifierê noch folgente
Sltmterfuiig bon biefer SHufchelgattung aiigefiipret: This ïs the biggelt
Scallop i have feen; it is alfo thick and heavy; it was of a bue clay
Colour, but it was apparently old and weather beaten, fo that the
Natural Beauty of the living Fish was perished. It is but shallow. It
has but ten Ridges; but the Furrows betwixt them are very deep, and
.tur down almoft at right Angles; at the very Head of the Shell, betwixt
the Eares, the Furrows are very deep, though finall, and
all in a point very elegant; whereas in the two former Shells the
Heads are smooth, and the Ridges and Furrows in that Part are almoft
obliterated. The Ridges and Furrows here are all of them curiously
ftreaked. A good Inch from the Bottom of the Shell the Ridges and
Furrows become fqddenly of another Fashion and Grain, and are as it
were, transvèrsly waved and smooth. J never faw but two of-thefe,
and they were both bigger or upper Shells of the Scallop.
Lister Hift. Animal. .Angl. tab. y. fig. .29. .pag..184. Peften maximus circiter
14 ftriis admodum craffis et eminentibus etdisdem ipfis ftriatis in-
fignitus. Intus albet, extus ex albido rufefcit. E teftis altera modice
-cava, altera plana eft alterius veluti operculum. Hi.pifces ex teftaceis
poft oftrea maxime in delicus fmt.
K l e i n meth. oftrac. §. 340. no. 1. pag. 130. Peften convexo planus Anglicanus.
Bonanni Recreat. Cl. 2. fig. 8- pag. 99.
— — Muf. Kirch. Cl. 2. fig. 7. pag. 441. Peften piano convexus parum
dilfimilis ab eo quem no. 3. defcripfimus: differt folum ftriarum dispo-
fitione. j Majores enim a cardine ad imam oram duftae aliis minutiffi-
mis ftriis interfeeantur undarum feriem crifpati maris, referentibus : albus
utpluri'mum at circa cardinem ubi lineae concurrunt éerafinum aut ma-
lacum colorem oftentat paulatim dram veMiis dilutum.
Gualtieri Index tab. 98. fig. A. B. Concha peftinata major valvis inaequa-
libus, aequeaurita, in parte plana peftinis inftar ftriata, ftriis fubro-
tundis rugofis, in inferiori yero umbonata convexa et infigniter ven-
tricofa ftriis ftriatis latiifimis notata, nonnullisque lineis fafciata ex albido
it. tab. 99. A. Concha peftinata eadern cum fuperiori fubalbida aut
ex albido rufefeens maculis confpicuis fubrotundis atro purpureis ali-
quando piceis in fummitate ftriarum identidèmafperfa et"fignata.
Hebenstreit Muf. Richter, pag. 289. 3jct nseiffe grofje T'ecten mit o&hgefdjr
snsôlf Soften, «seiche hie unb ha eingefebnitten fiuh.
Encyclop. Recueil de Planches tom. 6, tab.‘72. fig. 2. Ce Peignera les oreilles
égales. Sa couleur eft d’ un rouge clair, il a feize cannelures : ees
cannelures èt les intervalles qui les féparent font ftriés.
Rkgenfuss Soncbçl. 5Betl tom. l. tab. 2. fig. 19.
it. tom. I. tab. 7. fig. 3.
'Sttcrrê 23ergnùgen her îlugen, tom.-2. 'tab.-14. fig. x. it. tab. 17. fig. 1.2.
D a v i l a Catal. raif. tom. 1. no. 702, pag. 316. Peigne très grand'à oreilles
égalé», à valve fuperieure marbrée de blanc et de rouge et inferieure
'blanche, à larges côtes et profondes cannelures chargées.de ftries longitudinales
et transverfales.
fïiWANT iBtit.-2o’ol. C l.5 . tab.jQ. fig.61. ..................
£ 1 3 L in