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THE Tartarian nations or hordes, which are established in the Russian
empire, inhabit the northern coasts of the Caspian and Black Seas,
the north of Mount Caucasus, and the extensive tracts, which lie to
the east of the river Oural, as well as along the southern part of that
river, the mountains and soutliern parts of Siberia, and the adjacent
country. They are also in the governments of Kazan, Orenburg, and
Tobolsk. The external appearance and character of the Tartars of
Kazan are very uniform and regular. They are seldom very tall, and in
general rather thin; their face is smaU, their complexion fresh, their
mouth and eyes less than the common size, the last being generally of
a dark colour, and their look lively and striking. They are well made,
of a lively disposition, yet timid and modest. The Tartars of Kazan
occupy themselves in commerce, which they carry on by exchanging
one sort of merchandise for another, as the use of money is but little
known among them. Those, who live in villages, are employed in the
ndtivation of the soil. They are also very fond of breeding bees, from
wliich they derive a considerable advantage. This tribe, as well as most
of the Mahometan Tartars, shave the head, and leave on the face
only a mustachio, and a little beard round their chin. The head is
covered with a leathern cap, over which they wear a bonnet, or hat,
with a scarlet crown. The poorer people make their inner habits of
a sort of linen, while the rich wear- silk, or gold and silver stuffs, with
a gown, or coat, made of fine cloth.