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T H I S tribe formerly inhabited A more southern part of the Russian
empire than at present; but the persecution and oppression, which thej
experienced from some nations more powerful than themselves.rinduced
them to fix their residence in a more northern Latitude, unmindful of,
or disregarding, the rigour of the climate, and the barrenness of the
soil. This tribe became subject to Russia about the beginning of the
seventeenth century, and have always presented a faithful aUegiance.
The deserts, which they occupy, are, for the most part, situated in the
province of Yakoutsk, in the government of Irkoutsk. They extend,
however, to the very borders of the Icy Sea, \\-here they are mixed
with the Tungoosi ; they are dispersed on both sides of the river Lena,
from the southern part, vxhere it receives the waters of the Vittim,
till it discharges itself into the Icy Sea. These people presenx a
distinction between their different families, some of which are considered
as noble, or superior to the rest; and they carefully preserve the
race pure, from which they sprung. They pay a tribute to the government
in furs, and this tribute is in proportion to the number of bows
among them : that is, according to the number of men capable of
hunting, which is one of their principal occupations; but, being of an
indolent disposition, tliey do not pursue it with spirit. The number of
males is estimated at about 50,000. See Plate XLIL for a description
of their dress.
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