i, ' '
THE peculiarity of the dress of an unmarried woman of Esthonia is
confined entirely to her head-dress. That of a married woman was
described in the last Plate. The bonnets of the girls are without any
crown, or cawl, and consist merely of a band round the head, higher
before than behind, made of some stiff material, and covered with
coloured cloth. They are also tied beliind in bows of different colours,
and have ribands hanging down from them; but these ribands are
confined to a certain number and a certain length. The shifts of all'
the women are bordered as well round the bottom as at the wrists ;
and their corsets, as before mentioned, are very odd and fantastic,
sometimes made of hnen of different colours, and embroidered. They
wear various coloured girdles, handsomely worked, which go round
their waists just above the hip.
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