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B E F O R E the Russians conquered Siberia, it was iinder the dominion of
the Tartars, who gave the name of Ouschtaik, signifying savage, to
the nations, who inhabit it, as a mark of their contempt: hence they
were called Ostiaki. The Ostiaks are divided into two branches; those,
who live in the vicinity of the river Obe, and those, who are established
about Obdor and Berezof. The Ostiaki are the most numerous nations
of Siberia, where the population, on account of the rigour of the
climate, is not very great. These people seldom exceed the middle
size, and are not remarkable for their beauty; their complexion is
yellowish, and their hair generally a deep red, yet they are not ill
made. They are in a state of great barbarism, and get their living
chiefly by hunting and fishing, as none of them cultivate the soil.
They have neither horses, beasts, nor sheep : their live stock consists of
rein-deer, of which some have upwards of two hundred ; they employ
them in draught. Their dress is generally formed of the skins of
different animals, and furs. They wear short trowsers; their stockings
are made of skin, wliich go all over the feet, and serve them for boots;
which they strengthen, by placing the skin double for the sole. They
have a sort of jacket next their skin, and over all they put a long coat,
with close sleeves, which has a hood that entirely covcrs their head,
and only leaves out the fijce; and in very cold weather they even
wear another over this.
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