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T HE hordes of the Kirghis are very well known, but never mentioned
with respect, as their chief employment is robbery and plunder. They
are divided into three hordes, of which only the two smaller ones are
under the Russian government. These inhabit the country lying
between the rivers Oural and Embo; they lead, however, a very
wandering life, and frequently extend their predatory excursions along
the Volga and the shores of the Caspian. The manners and appearance
of these people are very striking : their countenance, like most other
Tartar tribes, is open ; their look is animated, though their eyes be
small. They have been long noted for their love of plunder, and cruel
adventures; but this disposition is perhaps more owing to their mode
of life, and the false ideas they have of courage and glory, than to
any inherent cruelty and ferociousness. They never possess any fixed
habitation, but live in portable tents; consequently, their means of
existence, independent of plunder, consist of their herds and flocks.
In order to prevent their depredations, the Russian government have
established a great number of different military posts on their frontiers.