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THE women of this nation are equally small as the men ; they are also
inore delicate, and much handsomer, although cither a really handsome
man or woman is seldom seen among these people. The constitution
of the women, in one respect, seems to belong to those of warmer
climates; they frequently become mothers at twelve or fourteen years
old; in general, however, they have but little oiFspring. The Samoyeds,
more especially the women, possess a most surprising irritability
of disposition, similar in its effects to the Laplanders (see Plate L); and
this irritability exists in different degrees also among the Ostiaks, the
Yakouti, and many other northern nations. The women employ
themseh-es in making their own and their husbands' clothes, in tanning,
in drying fish, and many other things ^^•hich relate to their domestic
economy. Their manner of living, with respect to their food, is
disgusting to the greatest degree: they eat every quadruped, except
cats, sqmrrels, and dogs; every kind of bird and fish, whether they
have been killed or die from disease, arc equally acceptable; the dead
bodies of whales, which happen to be thrown on shore, are, in their
opinion, so many favours conferred upo.i them by the gods, as they
esteem the whale one of their greatest delicacies. Their maimer of
dressing any thing is equally disgusting; sometimes a dozen iamilies
have but one pot or boiling utensil among tliem, into which every
body throws « hat the^- please, aud ^^ hich is never cleaned. They are
ignorant of the use of bread; and their sterile soil scarcely produces
a root. They use no salt, and all their food is simply boiled ; with this
they mix up the warm blood of any animal fresh killed, which they
esteem a great delicacy. The fish, which is dried in the air, they
alwajs cat raw. They are addicted to intoxication, particularly that
state of it, which arises from the use of tobacco and the mushroom
(ylgancus muse. LINN.). They sometimes procure brandy, or other
spirits, from the .Russians in exchange for furs.
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