T H E materials, with which the different parts of the dress of the
Kamtshadals are made, consist of the skins of the rein-deer differently
prepared and coloured, of dogs, of the sea-calf, and of birds. They
ornament and embroider their dresses in various forms with the hair
of dogs, for, &c. and in the most grotesque manner; of which the
best idea can be formed by examining Plates XLVI I I . XLIX. L. LI.
and LII. These modes, however, of dressing are now in some
measure on the decline, and the Russian manner is beginning to be in
use with the Kamtshadals.
The chief occupation of the men is fishing, at least during
the summ-er, in which also the -w-omen sometimes assist, particularly
in curing and drying the fish for winter. The women
also prepare and tan the skins : make their clothes, in which
employment they use both thread and the divided tendons of
animals. They also make their fishing-nets from the nettle, ^\-hich
grows to a great height: with this plant also they make cords and
ropes, llie females have, besides, the clire of the rein-deer and dogs.
IMuch cannot be said in praise of their cleanliness, particularly in
resj)cct to eating; they make no scruple to eat out of the same vessel»
after their dogs, without taking the trouble to clean them. They use
nothing but their fingers in eating, but in this way they de-,-our a great
qtiantity, and every thing is eaten cold. They are also great drinkers;
and each person, on going to his mat, places a vessel of water by his
side, which iie drinks dining (he night. Their chief amusement
consists in eating and dnnking \\ ith each otlier, in singing, dancing,
and relating stories. 'Jlic women are partlcal;irly lond of singing; and
there are many national airs. 'I'heir dances are pantomimical, and are
not tree from indelicacy: tlie men and M omen sometimes dance
together, and sometimes separately. Their stories relate to tlieir gods,
and their heroes; to their own adventures ia the olíase,, and those of
their ancestors.