O P E G R A P H A epiphega.
Broad Wrinkled Opegrapha.
G e n . C h a r . Seeds in black, linear, sessile, simple or
branched, bordered clefts, in anuninterruptedcrust.
» p e c . C h a r . Crust very thin, evanescent. Clefts
simple, oblong, rather tumid, of various shapes
much crowded, at length running into broad
S y n . Opegrapha epiphega. Ach. Meth. 24. Winch
v. 2. 30.
O. faginea. Persoon in Ust. Ann.fasc. 7. 31
Graphis maculiformis. Ehrh. Crypt. 263
Lichen rugosus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1607. Huds. 524.
m th . v .4 . 4. Hull. 284. Lightf. 802. Sibth. 317.
Abbot. 257.
L. macularis. Relh. 446.
Lichenoides punctatum et rugosum nigrum Dill
Muse. 125. t. 18. ƒ . 2.
J" EW Pers?ns who ^ave attended at all to the most common
appearances in nature, can have failed to observe this cryptogamie
plant, which makes broad black patches every where
ï V i t ' T I ' ;i!,d eveiî bark,of lh e crust is so thin, scaly, and evyaonnensczenBt,e eacs hsecsa r1c1e1ly o taok bse.
detected with certainty except in a very young state.7 The
clef s are extremely numerous and crowded, small, simple,
coal black, various in length, mostly curved, blunt at each
end, frequently oval or almost orbicular when young ; their
disk narrow; edges tumid, unequal and shining. By age
£ n CinhLder!0me dl ated’ con,fluent’ and look as if th e /h id
d°Yn,1I!t0 a nearly even surface, entirely black, S S y|r k bel°W îhe,,'eVel °f the bark.—0. macularis, alch. Meth. 24, seems a slight variety.
When we carefully examine the early growth of this plant,
?bs™ £ *5 black defts OT receptacles are actualIyPsunk
onfflf tton Uletb tthfekm’ apnads sn, SmCferrTely uanssduemrtehse t chuet iacslpee, cwt hoifc ha, cinru sscta, liwnge
are much disposed to refer it to the genus of Fungi called by