[ 2408 ]
LEPRARIA ochracea.
Ochrey Lepraria.
Gen. Char. Seeds in a powdery substance, loosely
clothing: a membranous or fibrous crust.
Spec. Char. Crust not discernible. Fructification
o f an oclirey yellow, collected into thin scattered
Svn. L epraria ochracea. Turn. Sg Borr. Lich. B rit,
v. 1 . 8.
T h e trunks of old trees at Hurst-Pierpoint and Poynings,
Sussex, produced the specimens, for which we are indebted to
Mr. W . Borrer. The same is said to be found about Yarmouth
and Halesworth, generally on Hypnum sericeum; see t. 1445.
W e have certainly often seen this production, and have
thought it the early state of Lichen candelarius, 1.1794. That
our work may not, however, be incomplete, as to any species
described by authentic writers, we thankfully profit of the permission
here allowed us, of quoting Messrs. Turner and Bor-
rer’s unpublished sheets. They describe this species as destitute
of a frond or crust, which confirms our suspicion, that
what they term prupagula, and we above have called fructification,
may be the incipient frond of some Lichen. These
are scattered or clustered, in a most irregular manner, in the
form of finely granulated masses of a pale, dull, oehraceous
yellow, often greenish, and rather brighter when wet than dry.
If, however, their shape is observed to be, for any time, permanent,
the reality of the species, as a Lepraria, cannot be
JuS Jo/v/wl.