LICHEN terrestris.
Ground Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust pale greenish grey, slimy. Tubercles
minute, black, sunk in the crust.
Syn. Verrucaria epigea. Ach. Meth. 123.
Sphaeria epigasa. Per soon Syn. Fung, append, x x v i i .
SENT to Mr. Sowerby from the neighbourhood of Norwich
by the Rev. G. R. Leathes, who observes that it is common
on dry barren banks, though but little known to botanists.
Accordingly we find only the above synonyms applicable to it,
and even Dr. Acharius has adopted the plant from Persoon
without seeing it himself.
The crust spreads uniformly over the inequalities of the
soil, and is of a yellowish or greenish grey, smooth (scarcely
mealy) when dry; when wet soft and somewhat slimy. The
little black tubercles are immersed in the crust, and scattered
over the whole plant.
If on mature consideration the genus of Verrucaria should
be retained, the original specific name epigcea must also
remain; but that of Lichen epigceus'is preoccupied, though
perhaps not permanently. We have thought it best, for the
present, to give a new specific name of the same meaning, in
order to prevent confusion.