L ICHEN stigmatèllus.
Little Dot Lielien.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust greyish, uninterrupted, thin, smooth
and polished. Tubercles minute, convex, black,
protruding through and elevating the crust.
Syn. Lichen stigmatellus. Ach. Prod. 15.
Verrucaria stigmatella. Ach. Meth. 117.
V. cinerea. Per soon in Ust. Ann. fasc. 7. 28. t. 3.
f . (5. A , a. _ _ _ _ _ _
F o u n d by Charles Lyell, E sq , in the New Forest, growing:
on the smooth bark of trees, which it overruns in broadish
uninterrupted patches. The crust is of a pale brownish grey,
smooth, polished, by no means mealy, and scarcely cracked.
It is about the thickness of silk paper, and of the same hue
within as without. Innumerable little blaek tubercles, like
dots, are sprinkled over the crust, in which they are imbedded,
and which they elevate around their base as they swell m
ripening. Each tubercle is convex, almost conical, hollow
and lined with pale seeds within, which hollowness constitutes
the character of a Verrucaria, a genus we have hitherto not
ventured to adopt.------Our specimens agree wijh those sent
by Persoon, Schrader and Acharius.