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LICHEN atro -cinereus.
Ashy-black Crustaceous Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust tessellated, greyish-black, smooth.
Shields several together, depressed, brownish-black,
with a paler border; at length crowded, elevated,
the border being obliterated.
Syn. Lichen atro-cinereus. Licks. Crypt.fasc.3. 14.
t. 9 . / . 2. With. v. 4. 19. Hull. 289.
L. coracinus. Ach. Prod. 79 ?
Verrucaria coracina. Hojpm. Germ. v. 2. 183 ?
Parmelia coracina. Ach. Meth. 157 ?
F o u n d on rocks by Mr. Dickson, one of whose own specimens,
in Mr. Turner’s collection, is drawn in our plate.
The crust is hard and dense, broken into various obtuse
angular fragments, internally pale grey, but of an ash-co-
loured black on the surface, smooth and destitute of mealiness.
Shields two, three, or more, in each fragment, depressed
or somewhat immersed in the crust, small, roundish,
at first flattish, of a rusty black, with a border of the same
colour; afterwards, according to Mr. Dickson, elevated,
crowded, black, losing their margins and becoming tubercles.
Acharius appears to have taken from Hoffmann the idea
of the Verrucaria coracina being the same, not having seen
either himself. However this may be, Mr. Dickson’s is the
original name,