L I C H E N uliginosus.
Earthy Marsh Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust olive-brown, granulated, gelatinous.
Shields black, flattish, with a black smooth border;
at length convex, and clustered.
Syn. Lichen uliginosus. Schrad. Spicil. 88. Ach.
Prod. 69.
L. humosus. Ehrh. Crypt, n. 135 .
Lecidea uliginosa. Ach. Meth. 43.
F ir s t observed by Mr. D. Turner we believe in 1799, on
wet sandy heaths near Yarmouth, from whence Mr. Francis
Turner has lately favoured us with specimens. We have
also received it from Mr. Borrer, who finds it plentifully in
It is easily overlooked, being nearly of the colour of the
black turfy soil, at least when dry. When moist it becomes
of a dull .olive or rusty green, covering the earth with its
close gelatinous pulpy crust, whose granulated surface is soft
and slimy to the touch. Numerous minute blackish shields
ar$ scattered over the whole, flat at first with an elevated
smooth border of their own colour. In process of time they
become larger, more conspicuous, prominent, convex, and
clustered together.