/ / O [ 2154 ]
LICHEN albellus.
Cream-coloured Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust leprous, thin, continued, cream-
coloured, somewhat polished. Shields sessile,
whitish-buff, uneven, with a thin, white, wavy
Syn. Lichen albellus. Persoon in Ust. Ann. fuse.
1 1 . 18.
L. umbilicatus. Ach. Prod. 70.
Parmelia albella. Ach. Meth. 163.
----------------- natiii.i ----------------
N o t very uncommon on the smooth barks of young trees.
It much resembles L. rosellus, t. 1651, except that the colour
of the shields is much redder in rosellus, and their border,
though differently coloured from their disk when young, of
the same substance with it, as in vernalis, t. 845. We regret
that this border is made too much like that of an Acharian
Parmelia in our t. 1651.
The present is a real Parmelia. The crust forms roundish
patches inseparable from the bark, of a yellowish white or
cream-colour, with a degree of lucid polish, or a silvery gloss.
Shields numerous, scattered, very neat and pretty, sessile;
their disk uneven, concave or convex, pale buff with a slight
mealy aspect, and some tinge of flesh-colour when examined
with a glass. Their border is perfectly distinct from the disk,
and of the substance of the crust, white, thin, even, at
length wavy, and finally overtopped by the swelling disk.
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