C A L IC I .UM ferrugineu m.
Rusty Calicium.
Gen Char. Receptacles capitate, stalked, totally different
in substance and colour from the crust, with
a border of their own substance; disk powdery.
Spec. Char. Crust thin, granulated, tartareous, rusty-
white. Receptacles on short stalks, thick, black,
often compound, with a pale rusty disk.
F o u n d by Mr. Turner on pales at Framingham, near Norwich.
We are obliged to him for specimens, and for the name
under which this decidedly new species is to appear in the Li~
chenographia Britannica.
We think it proper also now to adopt the genus Calicium, of
which many species have already appeared, as Lichens, in this
work. See *.414, 810, 1464, 1465, 1539, 1540, 1832, 1865,
2462. Among all these the inquinans, t. 810, comes the nearest
to that before us, especially in the crust; but its receptacles
are much more sessile, scarcely rising above the inequalities of
the crust, and their disk is black, merely a little paler than the
margin. The receptacles of the present are smaller, and their
disk of a very light rusty or copper brown. Several of them are
remarkably compound or tufted, with small imperfect disks, an
accident observable, in some degree, in other species.