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C lr36 1
L ICH E N Ehrhartianus.
Lhrhartian Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft rugged, granulated, greenifh-
white, ftudded with black warts. Shields bordered,
yellowifh; at length convex, waved, deformed and
Syn. Lichen Ehrhartianus. Achar. Prod. 3 9 . t. 2 .
f . 1 . jDickf. Crypt, fafc. 4. a 3 .
D ISCO V ERED by Mr.D. Turner at Acle, Norfolk, between
the town and the wood, growing in the greateft profuiion upon
a barn door. Although not very confpicuous to a fuperficial
obferver, it proves very diftinft when examined, and there is
none with which it can be confounded.
The crull eovers the wood in broad, level, cracked and granulated
patches, and is about a line in thicknefs, tartareous,
greenifti-white, not mealy, but compofed of uniform fmooth
roundifh little knobs or granulations, - many of which bear
each,a little black wart. Thefe warts might be taken for feedbearing
tubercles, did we not obferve alfo real fhields, various
in fize and figure, of a buff-colour, at firft furrounded with a
zigzag white narrow border; afterwards convex, varioufly
waved and wrinkled, the border being obliterated.
Dr. Acharius fufpects the L. graniformis of Hagen may be
only the beginning of this fpecies.