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L I C H E N Haematomma.
Bloody-/peeked Lichen.
C R Y P T O G AM1A Alga.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered .warts. Female, fmooth
fliields or tubercles, in which th e feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruftaceous, white, mealy, with a fibrous
border. Shields imbedded, fcarlet, concave;
when old, convex ; their margin thick, white,
elevated, mealy.
Sy n . Lichen Haematomma. E lrh . Beiträge fafc. 2.
1 5 7 . Gmel. Syfi. Nat. Linn. v . 2 . 1 3 6 1 .
Verrucaria Haematomma. Hoffm.Pl. Lieh. t. 1 i . f . 1 .
F O U N D , for the firft time in this ifland, by Robert Stone
and D. Turner, Efqrs. on brick walls, at Gorleftone, near
Yarmouth, in confiderable plenty.
The cruft is of a greyifh white, mealy, or minutely granulated,
greenifh within, fpreading to a confiderable extent,
fcarcely half a line in thicknefs, its border when young as
white as fnow, and compofed of very fine parallel fibres. The
fhields are minute, imbedded in the cruft, of a paleifh vermilion
hue, concave, enclofed in a very prominent thick overhanging
margin, which is of the fame colour and mealy fub-
ftance as the cruft. In procefs of time they become more
elevated, and of a darker hue.
At firft fight this Lichen appears like a powdery Byffus,
through whofe fubftance minute points of the brick on which
it grows, had, by accidental attrition, become vifible; but
thofe red points are on examination found to be beautiful little
Ihields. We think there can be no doubt of its being the
plant to which we have referred in Prof. Hoffman’s exquifite
work, though the cruft is there delineated more cracked and
browner, with Ihields lefs regular, and more dark coloured
than ours, being farther advanced in age. The defeription,
like all of this author, is accurate and charatteriftic.