[ 1529 ]
LEPRARIA lutescens.
Buff Lepraria.
Gen. Char. Seeds in a powdery substance loosely
clothing a thin crust.
Spec. Char. Crust leprous, rugged, cracked, buff-
coloured. Fructifications globose, of the same
Syn. Lepraria lutescens. Achar. Meth. 5.
Lepra lutescens. Hoffm. PI. Lick. v. 1, 100. t. 23.
f . 1, 2.
Lichen lutescens. Achar. Prod. 9.
F o u n d on the stems of old trees, especially oaks, in unfrequented
woods. 'Mr, Turner has observed it in Acle wood,
Norfolk, and Mr. W. Borrer sent our specimens from Hurst
Pierrepoint, Sussex. It occurs at all seasons, but is best
seen in winter, or wet weather.
The whole plant is externally of an uniform buff or pale
ochraceous yellow. Crust thick, white and chalky within,
very unequal and rugged; its surface clothed with buff-
coloured powder or minute grains.
It is now generally agreed that various appearances like the
shields of a Lichen, which some eminent German botanists
have noticed on this plant, have either been parasitical bodies,
or some other deception. There can be no question of its
agreeing in genus with Lepraria alba, v. 19. t. 1349 (numbered
by mistake 1350).