L I C H E N fufco-luteus.
Brownifli-yellow Lichen.
CR YPT0 GAM1A Alg<e.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth Ibields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft thin, continued, even, very
white and fmooth. Shields elevated, flat, dull-
yellow, mealy, with a border o f the fame colour.
Syn. Lichen fufco-luteus. Dickf Crypt, fa ß . 2 . 1 8 .
t. 6. f . 2 . H. Sicc. fa ß . 4 . 2 5 . With. v . 4 . 24.
Hull. 2 9 1 . Achar. Prod. 7 2 .
E firft became acquainted with this Lichen in the year
1782, by means of fpecimens from the Rev. Mr. Stuart, who
gathered them on the Highland mountains of Breadalbane.
Mr. Dickfon has alfo found it on Ben Lawers and other
mountains. Foreign botanifts leem quite unacquainted with it.
The cruft fpreads widely over decayed mofles, fprigs of
Heath, and other fmall plants, clofely enveloping them fo as
to afiume a branched or thrubby appearance (fee Mr. Dickfon s
figure), which happens in like manner to L. upfalienfis and a
few others. This cruft when feparately examined is found to
be very thin, even and delicate, almoft membranous, very
white and fomewhat poliftied. The fhields grow either
cluftered or fcattered. When young they are of the fize of a
moderate pin’s head, roundilh, with a thick inflexed border,
all over of a dull yellow, being clothed with ochrey powder
which is eafily rubbed off. When full grown they are about
3 lines in diameter, elevated on a fhort thick ftalk, their dilk
flat, their margin waved and narrower, though always vifible
enough, their colour ftill more dull and brownifti; indeed, the
dilk when deprived of its powdery covering appears quite
brown or fnuff-coloured.
^4firilJL. lSOtL. Fubli/hed by JatSoMerby. JLondan.