• LICHEN effusus.
Spreading Green Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
S pec. Char. Crust indeterminate, thin, powdery, light
green. Shields pale waxy brown, with a paler
b o rd e r; at length convex, without any border.
Syn. Lichen effusus. Ach. Prod. 50.
L. salignus. Schrad. Spicil. 84.
Parmelia effusa. Ach. Meth. 171.
S e n t by Mr. Turner long ago from Yarmouth, where it is
very common, and more recently by Mr. Lyell, and Mr. W.
Borrer, from Hampshire. Our most perfect specimens with
young concave shields, were found by Mr. W . J. Hooker,
on the bark of firs at Cossey near Norwich. In these the
shields are so transparent when wet as to be scarcely discernible
; but if the specimens be dried, even before a fire, the
fructification becomes very conspicuous and beautiful. This
mutability of aspect might constitute a specific character, being
almost as remarkable D in the old shields. ,
The crust is widely diffused and scarcely bordered, thin,
. powdery, soft, of a light green, darker when we’t, in which
state it exhales a peculiar very fragrant scent. Shields small,
scattered, sessile, when young of a pale waXy flesh-colour,
concave, with a still paler elevated smooth border. The old
shields are much darker, brownish, convex, and their border
often disappears. We conceive this species is rather a Led-
dea of Acharius than a Parmelia. It bears most affinity to
Lichen vernalis, v. 12. t. 845,
-l/.ir. l.iSof.PnliKth ft TiuJa'i Aowerbu, XettSnt .