t 1350 ]
L E P R A R I A flava.
Yellow Lepraria.
Gen. Char. Seeds in a powdery substance loosely
clothing a thin crust.
Spec. Char. Crust and fructification of an uniform
bright yellow.
Syn. Lichen flavus. Achar. Prod. 6. With. v. 4. 3.
Relh. 444. Sibth. 3 15. Abbot. 236.
Byssus candelaris. Linn. Sp. PL 1639. Huds. 60S.
Hull. 308. Lightf. 100S.
B. pulverulenta flavâ, lignis adnascens. Dill. Muse. 3.
t. 1. f . 4. Rail Syn. 56.
Lepra candelaris. Éhrh. Crypt. 288.
Parmelia citrina S. Achar. Melh. 180.
T h i s occurs not unfrequently on the rugged bark of old
trees, and is found at all seasons. It thrives in summer, and
easily parts with its powder when dry. 1
It is not so thick as the preceding, but like that forms a
spreading indeterminate crust, covered entirely with powder
of the same bright golden yellow as itself. This colour is
constant in the living plant, and permanent in dried specimens.
It so evidently belongs to the genus Lepraria, and is acknowledged
so universally to produce no shields, that wc cannot
but wonder to find it ranged in Dr. Acharius’s new work
as a barren variety of his Parmelia citrina, which he thinks
is not itself distinct from P. Candelaria, the Lichen candela-
rius of Linnaeus. We are of nothing more confident than
that our Lepraria flava is distinct from Lichen candelarius.
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