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L I C H E N querneus.
Oak Lichen.
C R Y P T OGA M I A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Leprous, brownith pale yellow. T u bercles
brown, convex, flightly immerfed in the
Syn. Lichen querneus. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. r. 9. t. 2 .
ƒ. 3 . With. v . 4 . 1 1 . Relh. Suppl. 1 . 2 2 . S'lbth. 3 1 9 .
T h i s Lichen is not unfrequent in the clefts of the bark
upon the trunks of old oaks, particularly in an expofed fitua-
tion. It fpreads over the dead external angulated layers of
bark, in the form of a dull fulphur-coloured mealy cruft of an
inconliderable thicknefs; and fometimes, according to the
remark of Mr. Dawfon Turner, it clothes other Lichens, and
difguifes them fo that they might be miftaken for new fpecies.
The tubercles are minute, regular in fhape and lize, a little
convex, of a dark dull brown, almoft black when dry, without
any perceptible border. They are chiefly to be found in moift
weather, at any time of the year, but not very frequently.
This fpecimen was fent us by the Rev. Mr." Alderfon, from
Norfolk, where the Lichen querneus was firft difcovered and
chara&erized by Mr. Dickfon. It is fomewhat a-kin to L.
coccineus, fee t. 223., and ftill more to the Lepra lutefcens of
Hoffmann, PI. LichenoJ.x, t. 23. / . 1 , 2- the fhields of which
when difcovered may perhaps prove them to be one fpecies.
When young, this fpecies has a narrow blackilh border.