( 6 78 )
L I C H E N inclufus.
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Covered Lichen.
C RY P T O G A MI A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruftaceous,. cream-coloured, polithed-
Shields hollow, fleth-coloured, with a thin indexed
edge, each enclofed in a thick outer coat of the
fubftance of the cruft.
rir- HIS new Lichen-, which Mr. Sowerby has aptly named
inclufus, was fent him from Teefdale foreft, Durham, by the
Rev. Mr. Harriman and Mr..Oliver. I have Found it plentifully
at Hafod, Cardiganfhire, on trees upon the hill immediately
before the eaftern front of the houfe, but it appears to be
a rare fpecies, and hitherto unnoticed, unlefs it may have been
taken for pertufus in an advanced ftate ; indeed part of Dille-
nius’s figure of that plant much refembles this. I have nodoubt,
notwithftanding, of their being perfectly diftindt,
though near akin.
The cruft of L. inclufus is cream-coloured, not grey or glaucous,
but in other refpefts like that of pertufus. Shields very
numerous and crowded, but not aggregate ; they are concave,
flefh-colotired, but externally whitifh, thin and incurved in
the margin, fo as to be almoft membranous, and very brittle,
in that part. Each is lodged in a globofe cavity, formed out
of the cruft, and rifing altogether above its general furface,
like the fhields of Lichens in general, with a thick indexed
edge, but totally diftkuft and feparate from the edge of the
actual fhield. Very rarely two of thefe cavities are crowded as
it were into One, but this is in a very different mode from the
union of the cells in the warts of L. pertufus, and the perforation
at the top is always much wider than in that fpecies.