10 f [ 983 ]
L IC H E N affi nis.
Thinner fpongy Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fliields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Imbricated, deprefled ; fegments bluntly
lobed and notched, greyifh, fmooth, concave,
white-edged ; clothed beneath with dark blueifh
denfe fibres. Shields rufty-coloured, with whitifh,
elevated, crenate. margins.
S y n . Lichen affinis. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 4 . 2 4 . t. 1 2 .
f 6. , '
W E h a v e lon g kn ow n th is L ic h e n (which is found on the
trunks o f trees in mountainous woods) as a m o ll diftindt
fp ecies, though confounded w ith plumbeus, v . 5 . t. 3 3 3 , b y a ll
authors except M r . D ick fon . I t grow s with plumbeus, but is
mo re rare, and has a great affinity to D r . Sw a r tz ’ s tropical
JL. pannojus.
T h e fronds fpread c ircu la rly , and, though imbricated, are
flat, and but little elevated in an y part above the bark or decayed
mofs on w h ich they grow . T h e ir numerous fegments are
fm oo th , g re y , con ca ve, b lu n t, w ith a filv e ry -w h ite edge, and
clothed beneath w ith an u nifo rm w o o lly coat o f tangled b lu e ilh -
b la ck fibres, ak in to th e fp on gy under fide o f L. plumbeus, but
b y no means equal to it in th ic k n e fs ; n e ithe r are thefe fibres
fo denfe, w o o lly , or prominent as in L . pannojus. T h e central
part o f the plant is often powdery. T h e ffiields are n um e rou
s , la rg e r th an thofe o f plumbeus, o f a reddiffi chefn ut, and
rendered confpicuous b y their elevated, crenate, inflexed
border, o f the fame poliffied w h itilh or filv e ry g re y as the
edges o f the frond.
JFe2. f. A / fa ./ SAft'&'iy,