L I C H E N coccineus.
Scarlet Lichen.
C R Y P TO G AM I A Alg*.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth thields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruftaceous and mealy, of a greenilh
fulphur colour. Tubercles of a vivid red, im-
merfed in the cruft.
Syn. Lichen coccineus. Dickf. Crypt. Fafc. i. 8. 2.
ƒ. 1 . With. Bot.Arr. v. 3 . 16 7 .
D i s c o v e r e d b y D r . Smith upon the rocks called Salisbury
Craigs commanding the town of Edinburgh, by Mr.
Dickfon upon Stonehenge in Wiltlhire, and Mr. T. F. Forfter
jun. near Tunbridge. It is indeed a very rarefpecies, but may
alfo probably have been overlooked for a young or im p e r fe a
fpecimen of L. ventofus. Yet, as Mr. Dickfon obferves, they
are very diftind fpecies; the latter having a hard, firm, warty
cruft, of a yellowifh colour at firft, but then turning white,
and never at any time mealy, but fmooth and rather polifhed.
Neither are its tubercles fo uniform as thofe of L. coccineus,
nor is their colour fo vivid. Both are very elegant productions.