[ 857 3
LICHEN Turneri,
Mealy Flejh-coloured Lichen,
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in ^hich the
feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Leprous, very mealy, greenifh-white.
Shields flefh-coloured, powdery, with a very thick,
rounded, entire, mealy margin, of the colour of
the cruft.
Sy n ...............
"'Vt E have not been able to refer this Lichen to any mentioned
in Dr. Acharius’s claflical work; and prefuming it
therefore to be nondefcript, have named it in honour of
Mr. Dawfon Turner, to whom we are obliged for it, and
whofe labours in the inveftigation of the whole genus have
well entitled him to fuch a diftjmStion.
There is reafon to believe that the cruft is n,ot unfrequent on
the barks of old oaks and other trees, forming an unequal,
indeterminate, foft, powdery fubftance, of a grayifh white when
dry, greenith in a moift ftate, which may eafily be overlooked
for L. fagineus, and as few fpecies are more rare in fruit,
the fhields have efcaped notice. When they occur, however,
they are too elegant and confpicuous to be confounded with any
others. They are a little elevated ; their difk flat, powdery,
flefli coloured, almoft orange when young, and at all times of
a deeper hue within. They are encompafled by a thick, rounded,
prominent, undivided border, of the colour and fubftance of
the cruft.
The figure of Wulfen’s L. allo-Jlavefcens, Jacq. Coll. v. 3 ,
H i . t . 5. ƒ. 1, bears fome refemblance to this plant; but the
cruft is defcribed as “ compact, even, firmly adhering to the
bark, fet with warty tubercles, fmooth and white,” all which is
foreign to our L. Turneri, which is remarkable for its foft
mealinefs, and which indeed nearer approaches L. Hama-
tomma*, Engl. Bot. t. 486; but the cruft of that is lefs mealy,
whiter, more uniform, and the fhields fmaller, much more
numerous, lefs prominent, with a perfectly fmooth, waxy difk,
of a more vivid red.
'* We are now convinced the original H am a tom m a of Ehrhart is our
cocdneusyt. 223.
March. 1. f8 o i. JPuMtjfoeZ ty Jstverty. lo n jn u