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L I C H E N cæ fio -ru fu s.
Grey and red Lichen.
n o j
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth Shields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft granulated, lobed, pale grey.
Shields tawny red, flattifti, with a thick, white,
undulated border.
Sy n . Lichen cæfio-rufus. Schrad. Spic'd. 80.
L . crafpedius. Achar. Prodr. 4 5 .
L. arenarius. Dickf. Crypt, fafe. 4 . 2 3 . t. 1 2 . ƒ. 2.
Verrucaria cæfio-rufa. Hoffm. FI. Germ. v . 2 . 1 7 8 .
T T h E firft fpecimen of this Lichen ever noticed in England
I gathered in 1783, on a wall at Strumpfhaw, the moft elevated
fpot in Norfolk. It has (ince been found at Witheach by
Mr. W. Skrimfhire, and fent to Mr. Sowerby. It grows on
bricks, fand-ftone, or lime-ftone, in roundith patches of a
whitilh grey, granulated, rather thin cruft, whofe edge is
paler, fmoother, dilated, crenate, and fomewhat lobed. The
fhields are irregularly fcattered, fmall, feflile, flattifti; their
difk of a deep orange or tawny red, occafionally more or lefs
vivid, by age becoming almoft brown ; their border is con-
fpicuous, white, crenate and waved. Within the proper border
the thickened edge of the difk, fomewhat paler than the central
part, is remarkable, feeming, in young fhields, to ftain the
white part with orange.
We are allured of the corre&nefs of the above fynonyms
from the belt authority, and it appears therefore that Dr.
Acharius mifquotes L. cafio-rufus of Schrader as a fynonym
to his own, which we know from his fpecimens to be the fer-
rugineus of Hudfon. We retain for our plant the moft original,
expreffive, and certain name. We fliould not hefitate
to q u ote Patellaria arenaria of Hoffmann as the fame, were
it not exprefsly mentioned in his FI. Germ, as diftindl.