'V ° [ 93° ]
L I C H EN crenulatus.
Little Crenate Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
ftnelds or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft fcattered, afh-colotired, very
thin. Shields minute, difperfed, brownifh-gray,
with an elevated, crenate, whitifh margin.
Syn. Lichen crenulatus. Dickf Crypt, fafc. 3. 14.
/. 9. ƒ. 1 . Achar. Prod. 76 . With. v. 4 . 1 7 .
m n . 1 s 9.
L. difperfus. Achar. Prod. 49.
F O U N D on lime-ftone rocks in the mountainous parts of
England. The Rev. Mr. Harriman communicated this fpeci-
men from Eglefton, Durham. Mr. Dickfod mentions York-
fhire alfo as its native county. We have found it by authentic
fpecimens to he the difperfus of Dr. Acharius, who, not
being aware of its having been already defcribed by Mr. Dick-
fon as crenulatus, gave it a new name. In juftice to our
friend we retain his original one, which is in itfelf excellent.
The cruft is gray or blackifh, but fo thin and fugacious a9
not to be always difcernible. Shields more or lefs fcattered, a
little raifed, various in fize, but all very fmall; their difk ob-
fcurely convex, fmooth, waxy, of a yellowifh or brownifh
gray; their margin very pretty and confpicuous, elevated,
rounded, fmooth (not mealy), elegantly notched fo as to look
almoft, as it were, beaded, of a pale yellowifti white.
Mr. D. Turner has found on Burgh Caftle, Suffolk, what
feems a variety of this Lichen with a whiter cruft and blacker
fhields; and indeed fome fhields on the Durham fpecimens
are found with a gray or lead-coloured margin.
JefrtT /■ 18 o f JuA ffT ieA 2y Tad San'erTry, JjonAaTu.