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L I C H E N candidus.
White Tumid Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
S pec. Char. Cruft white, lobed and lwollen, minutely
cracked and powdery. Shields black,
convex, irregular, in the clefts of the cruft.
Sy n . Lichen candidus. Weler. Goett. [9 3 . Ehrh.
Crypt. 49 .
L. tumidulus. Sm. Tranf. of Linn. Soc. v. 1. 8a.
*■ 4 - ƒ 3 -
Patellaria Candida. Hoffm. PI. Lich. t. 33. f 2.
F O R this Lichen, not before dete&ed in Britain, we are alfo
obliged to Mr. Turner, who found it on the ruined walls of
Trigby church near Yarmouth. It is preferved in the late
Mr. Bryant’s herbarium, now in the polfeffion of Mifs Hancock
of Norwich, by the name of atro-allus, with the Lin-
nean definition of which it fomewhat agrees. Having met
with this fpecies in the South of France, and conceiving it to
be nondefcript, I called it tumidulus, a name perhaps more
expreffive than that of Weber, but his has a prior right.
Surely Dr. Acharius is much miftaken in confidering it a
variety or early ftate of ueruleo-nigricans !
The cruft is tartareous, fwelling out into remarkably thick
prominent lobes, clothed with fine white meal, which when
rubbed off leaves the cruft brownith or grey, and minutely
cracked. Within it is however pure white. The fhields ftand
in the interftices of the cruft, feflile, various in fize and figure,
at length convex, finuated and lobed, coal, black with a narrow
edge of the fame colour. In a young ftate they are clothed
with blue mealinefs.