[ 2217 ]
L I C H E N viridescens.
Greenish llorny-tuhercled Lichen.
G en. C h a r . Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Crust thin, mealy, indeterminate, scattered,
pale green. Tubercles numerous, convex,
rugged, brown, semitransparent; at length blackish.
S y n . Lichen viridescens. Schrad. Spicil. 8 8 . Ach.
Prod. 50.
Lecidea viridescens. Ach. Meth. 62.
L. hypnophila. Winch, v. 2 . 37.
F o u n d by Mr. D. Turner on Buxton church, Norfolk, as
well as on the ruins of Carrow abbey, near Norwich, and in
other places, being most vigorous and apparent in damp autumnal
The crust runs over the irregular surface of decayed Hypna,
in the manner of L. Tfiuscorum, t. 626, and is consequently
scattered, friable, and indeterminate, of a mealy substance and
pale green dirty hue. The tubercles when young are flat, light
brown with a paler, but not elevated, edge, of their own substance.
Afterwards they grow convex, more or less rugged,
darker coloured, but retain their original horny semitransparency.
Finally they become almost black, and in some
measure spherical. In their original colour and ultimate shape
they essentially differ from muscorum, t. 626, nor is their crust
so white. Mr. Turner observes that the young tubercles betray
an affinity to vernalis, t. 845, but they have no- elevated
border, nor are they when full grown of so light a colour.
We have Mr. Borrer’s authority for the name of Schrader,
which was determined by a specimen from that author himself.