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L I C H E N escharoides.
Coralline-crusted Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts. Female, smooth
shields or tubercles, in which the seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust tartareous, brownish ash-coloured,
composed of granulated warts. Tubercles convex,
irregular, black, with an obsolete black border.
Syn. Lichen escharoides. Ehrh. Crypt. 313. Achar.
Prod. 77.
L. miscellus. Achar. Prod. 62.
Lecidea miscella. Achar. Meth. 3 9 .
T h i s new addition to our lis t o f B r it ish L ic h e n s wa s disco v
ered b y M r . D . T u rn e r in his tou r to C o rnw a ll in 1799, and
ne ar Y a rm o u th in Ju n e la s t. I t g row s either on tu r fy ground
o r on ro c k s . O rig in a l sp e c im ens p ro ve it the real p lan t o f
E h rh a r t , and con sequently o f A c h a r iu s , w h o in his first w o rk ,
n o t h a v in g seen E h rh a r t ’ s sp e c im en s , mis to o k his o w n L . miscellus
fo r a different spec ies.
The crust is from a quarter to half an inch in thickness,
composed of tartareous granulations, ash-coloured or brownish,
various in size and shape, but externally rounded or tumid,
with a whitish appearance. Tubercles imbedded among
the warts, sessile, quite black, convex, with a scarcely perceptible
margin of the same colour.
S om e a ffin ity is observable b etween this species and L, cce-
ruleo-nigricans,v. 16 . t. 1 1 3 9 .
We have a vague recollection of having seen this L. escharoides
in some English collections, taken for the atro-allus,
to which it has little affinity except in colour.