/ S'C [ 739 ]
L I C H E N marmoreus.
Salmon-coloured Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft pale, thin, fcattered. Shields cup-
ftiaped, falmon-coloured, with a thick, elevated,
inflexed, pale fleth-coloured, often crenate, border.
Syn. Lichen marmoreus. Dickf Crypt, fafc. 2 18
With. v . 4 . 2 2 . Hull. 2 9 1 . .
L . U lmi. Swartz. JYov. A $ . TIpfal. v . 4 . 247.
Herb. Linn.
L. tricolor. With. v. 4. 2 3 . t. 3 1 . ƒ. 6 . H u ll 2 9 1 .
jC O R the mod part this Lichen is only to be difcovered by its
fhields, which are found fcattered over decayed molfes in wet
fhady places, generally in mountainous countries; though it
has been found on ftone walls in Norfolk in a northern expo-
fure; as on Corpufty church, by the Rev. Mr. Bryant, and
Mr. D. Turner. Mr. Griffith has found it on calcareous fand-
ftone in Wales. Sometimes it occurs on trees; and Dr.
Swartz having found it on the Elm in Sweden, called it L. Ulmi.
When it grows on trees the cruft is vifible by its greenilh white
colour, though extremely thin, and by no means lobed or
granulated; on old moffes it foon vaniflies almoft entirely,
what remains of it being only fuch flight portions as are necef-
fary to fix the fhields to the minute leaves, fibres, or twigs, on
which they grow. Each fhield is but the fize of the fmalleft
pin’s head, orfmaller, prominent, concave, of a fine falmon or
aurora colour, encompafled by a thick elevated inflexed margin
of the moft delicate pale flefh-colour, and with a marble-like
femitranfparency, externally fo uneven as to appear mealy or
downy, which however it is not. The difk at length falls out,
and this waxy covering often remains entire.
We apprehend a great error in the fuppofed metamorphofis
of this plant into Spbaria fulcata as mentioned in Withering.